Monday, February 27, 2012

Well I said I would never ever get a blog for two main reasons... 1) our life is very simple and I always wondered what would I have to blog about and 2) I said I would never be able to keep up with one. 

Well fear #1 still exists.  We are just a regular family with a relaxed life and although I find excitement in my day to day others may not find toddler messes, finger painting, disciplining, ear infections, Clifford, and Cat-n-the-Hat very interesting.  Fear #2 I thought would go away when I became a stay at home mom instead of teaching.  How wrong was I!!! I feel no less busy now (maybe busier!) but I now enjoy every part of my day and am blessed to get to watch my sweet girl grow and develop each day.  All that to say there are no promises of exciting, engaging blog posts or even updated posts but I will try my best!

I hope that this blog serves two main purposes.  I hope that it helps friends and family keep up with Emma growing into a sweet little girl and her baby sister joining our family very soon in May!  I also pray that this blog will in some way give glory and honor to God as he is the reason for all of the wonderful blessings in our life and deserves all of our praise.

Thanks for joining our family as we share our lives with you...