Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Emma's Funnies!

I have decided it is time to start writing down Emma's funny sayings now that she is talking so much. I am going to start a journal of just Emma's funnies but there are some that have happened recently that are worth sharing.  She literally talks all the time now and if she is not talking then she is singing around the house... I have even caught her making up her own songs.  We can only hope that her musical talent develops into a talent from her Daddy and not her Mommy!!!

So funny story #1:
     When we ask Emma to do something and she seems to be struggling with her own will and desire we will often say to her, "Emma, make a good choice to listen and obey Mommy and Daddy."  Sometimes she gets so proud of herself for obeying without being reminded that she will even say "Jesus tell Emma to obey Mommy and Daddy!"
     Well one night she was delaying bedtime by doing everything possible.  Finally, after I had tried multiple times to get her to go get in her bed while I fed Abby, Trey overheard the struggle and stepped in.  He said, "Emma listen and obey Mommy and go get in  your bed."
     She began walking slowing to her room and turned around and said, "Daddy you come to and read Emma books?"
     Trey said that he would come in just a minute and she looked at him very seriously and said, "Daddy, you listen and obey Emma."
     Well we both looked at each other and I must admit our parent failure at this moment was that we laughed.  Emma laughed too and ran off to bed.  When Trey went to read to her he talked to her about even though it was silly it was inappropriate.  She got a little sad because she thought she was so funny and had no idea that her quirkiness would get her in trouble.  But, I truly don't think she meant to be disrespectful... she is just trying to relate a lot of things together and thought since she obeys us then why shouldn't we obey her.

    I take Emma to the library every other week.  Last time when we were leaving, we saw some boys walking across the parking lot and Emma said "Mommy, I no like boys."  I asked her why not?  (she has been on this kick lately that she can only like one thing... for example, she told me she didn't like horses and when I asked her why she said "because I like puppy dogs")
    This time Emma didn't answer but just sat there thinking.  I then told her that Colton (one of her friends) is a boy. Still no response.  I continued with "Daddy is a boy."  About 10 seconds later Emma said "Mommy I think I love boys!"
    Too cute!

      Emma was playing with Trey's boots and trying to walk in them.  She said "Daddy these boots stinky!"  Trey laughed and then Emma asked "Daddy, did you toot in these boots?"
      I couldn't quit laughing at this one!

Okay so there are some of our funny conversations of the last month.  She just started talking continuously about 5 weeks ago and her sentences and verbal thought processes are getting much more advanced... makes every moment so much fun!

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