Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Photo Overload

Okay so if you don't like pictures then this is definitely not a post for you!  Since Abby has been born, every week I have said "I will post next week."  Well you can see where that has gotten me... 5 1/2 months later.  After about 3 months I decided I had waited too long but hopefully you will enjoy seeing a little of what we have been up to lately and forgive me for the LONG delay!  So not much story for you just a photo overload...

Also these pics are in a random order... hopefully the captions will help you a little.

About 3 days home from the hospital Emma decided that Abby was like all her other baby dolls and should be used to play dress-up... thankfully Abby has been the most laid-back baby since day 1

This is at 5 months old... absolutely PRECIOUS!


13 days after Abby was born we celebrated our 4th anniversary... I am the luckiest girl in the world to get to spend every  day with my best friend.  Happier today than I was even when I walked down the aisle to take his name!

One of our first real baths

I was one lucky birthday girl to spend it with these 2 adorable daughters and my hubby who made the cake!

Emma had a blast at her first beach trip

Since Abby was born Emma really became the big girl in the family!  She now has a big girl room complete with a big girl bed and she also is completely potty trained!

We took a trip to a local safari where the camels were our favorite... especially this baby camel

Abby met her first camel at 6 weeks old!

Camel face!

Just last week Abby had her first bowl of food... baby rice cereal... Delicious!  That means that this week I will be starting to make her some homemade yummy purees

Cousin Fun

We got some new home decor!

This is Trey's most recent piece of art work.... he is AMAZING!

Sorry it's side ways but this is Emma's first day of school!  She absolutely loves it!

First fishing trip with Daddy... unfortunately it was about 100 degrees!

Emma loves geckos... this one is named Lulu

Sometimes our house is just about being silly!

More goofiness!

Grammy came to visit! Isn't she beautiful!

After having so much fun at our church party I am almost certain that Emma will be enrolled in gymnastics next year!

While visiting our good friends, Cole and Holly, we made friends with this puppy and brought him home to give to Grammy

Daddy and Emma having fun at the ranch before Emma freaked out about the loud noise of the tractor... but this is probably one of my favorite pics of them

Saturday morning cartoons together when Abby was just 1 week old

Trey has been lucky enough to get to go to most of the home Aggie games this year.... Thanks Dad for sharing the tickets! 

Hanging at the park

First time swinging together

Still so tiny!

And finally I just had to brag... Trey and I are game people and I fairly rolled 5 yahtzees in 1 game giving me a final score of 648!  Should have gone to Vegas that night!

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