Sunday, May 13, 2012

Abby Lynn Stephens

Yay!!! Abby Lynn's birthday - Friday, May 11, 2012 at 11:24 am weighing 6lb 15 oz and 19.5 inches... more on her arrival story to come but here are some pics captured by Gigi. 

Daddy and his TWO girls!

Family of 4!  Daddy you are definitely outnumbered!

First time seeing little sister

Waiting with Gigi to meet baby sister Abby

Gigi and Poppy meeting their 6th grandchild!

Mommy of TWO!

Waiting with Poppy

Giving sister a kiss! 

One of many cuddles to come in life

Big sister is going to be a protector


  1. these are precious! you look beautiful. congratulations you guys - can't wait to meet her!

  2. Congratulations on your new little bundle of precious joy from the Lord! im due in October with another little girl! This will be number 3 for me! We are blessed and excited! I enjoy seeing your family's blog, thanks for sharing!
