Sunday, May 6, 2012

Poppy and Gigi's House

My parents so graciously offered to have Emma come stay at their house for a few days this past week to give me a chance to rest and also get a couple things done.  I can not even explain how much of a blessing this was!  Trey has been so busy at work that it has been Mommy and Emma time all day every day so the opportunity to sleep late and take naps was wonderful.  I rested, got all the last minute things bought, and got a pedicure. 

It seems while I was enjoying my break Emma also had a great time!!!! Below are some pictures of her fun, silly time at Poppy and Gigi's house.  She had such a good time that she cried when we went to pick her up.  But, I would much rather her cry that she has to come home rather than crying that she has to go to their house.  They obviously love on her so much while she is there!  My dad even got some alone babysitting time which is a first... he actually had to wake her up in the morning, dress her, feed her breakfast, run errands with her, and then take her to Gigi.  I am with Trey on this saying that we wish we could have had a camera following him.  He did great though and apparently he and car seats do not get along!  He laughed so hard trying to get Emma in the car seat that she started laughing at him.  Then when we got back and tried to put her in the car seat we asked her if Poppy laughed when he did it and she responded with "Poor Poppy!"

Here is some fun that they had:

BEAUTIFUL!  We are definitely getting this one blown up and framed!

Emma playing with Mamaw's dog, Bella.  She talks about this dog all the time when we mention going to Gigi and Poppy's house.

This girl LOVES her Gigi!

And now for the silly....


Taking care of her baby and rocking before bed... this is the good life!

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