Sunday, April 29, 2012

His Sovereignty

This past Monday and Tuesday we made the trip down to MD Anderson for Trey's check-up and what a reminder this trip is to me every time of God's power in our lives as the Great Physician.  Before we went, I had to do some insurance updating online at the Head and Neck Website.  While updating our information I also read through the facts of Trey's cancer.  This is information that I have not read since his diagnosis in 2008 and probably should not read because of the grimness that medical science puts on the situation.  The statistics reminded me that the type of cancer that he had was very rare (2% of all cancers) with a survival rate between 10-20% with most patients not surviving more than 3 years.  WOW! 

Now, don't get me wrong I think that medicine is amazing but I know that God's power is even more amazing!  We were able to catch Trey's cancer very early and have been blessed with 3 years of remission this past month with absolutely not signs of re-occurrence.  We finally have made it to the point where he just has to be checked annually!  Thank you God for your healing, the wonderful team of doctors at MD Anderson, the opportunity to be treated as such an amazing medical center, and the character that you developed in each of us through this trial. 

While meeting with Dr. Weber, we were again approached about plastic surgery for Trey's scar on his neck.  Because this is just a cosmetic preference and not medical it is something that we have opted not to do.  The surgery seems extensive with a painful recovery for something that is just optional.  While driving home, I asked him if he ever thought he might want to do it in the future.  His response makes me love him more than I already do... He simply said that he thinks that his scar will always be a reminder of God's sovereignty in his life.  What a man a faith... to see a trial that tested our faith and character a few years ago as something now that constantly reminds him how wonderful our God is. 

I could write and write about everything that each of us learned through this journey as individuals and as a married couple and for that we praise God for the trial we went through at such a young age.  We praise him that we learned how to depend on Him and how to have eternal perspective in the midst of temporary struggle. 


  1. Beautiful post! So thankful for the wonderful news!

  2. This brought tears to my eyes. And Emma's pony/pigtails are too much!!
