Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Vanilla Wafer Surprise

Emma does not get dessert every night.  In fact, when offered pineapple or cookies for dessert she will often times choose the fruit.  However, every once in a while we like to go all out on the sugar with either ice cream (Dibs are a family favorite), popsicles, or some type of cookie.  A few weeks ago we made this vanilla wafer surprise.  Emma liked it; Daddy was not a fan (but he doesn't really have a sweet tooth at all); and I loved it (after all, I am 8 months pregnant).  Either way making them was fun and seeing Emma's face at the surprise of rainbow sprinkles was great!  Check out the steps below to make your own vanilla wafer surprise...

What is needed... vanilla wafers, banana, peanut butter, sprinkles

Make a banana wafer sandwich

Spread peanut butter around the edge of the banana then roll in sprinkles so that they stick to the peanut butter

Lastly, enjoy the sweet, excited face on  your little one!

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