Sunday, May 6, 2012

Our Last Weekend as 3!

So this weekend was our last weekend as a family of 3!  I can not even believe it!  Abby will be here Friday (if not earlier) and I can't wait to meet this little bundle of joy we have been anticipating for 10 months.  However, I am also an emotional roller coaster.  I cried when I put Emmy to bed tonight thinking that this is the last family weekend we will have as 3.  I started feeling these emotions earlier this weekend but my sister-in-law assured me that this was normal and that I will be able to love Abby just as much.  Soon 4 will become my normal and I know that it will be even sweeter than 3!  After all, I am so glad that Emma will have a little sister to grow up with, be best friends, and of course fight with.  I am so thankful that Emma will have a friend every day and on family vacations they will get to make memories and experience life together.  This is my prayer for the future... a family of 4 with two precious little girls that love and encourage each other as we live our lives to honor and glorify the Lord. 

For this last weekend of 3 we spent some amazing family time together.  We picked up Emma from Gigi and Poppy on Friday and had a pizza picnic in the living room while we watched The Incredibles.  On Saturday, we spent the morning outside doing a little yard work and washing the cars.  Emma hates to be sprayed  by the water hose but she loved spraying Daddy and also splashing him with the soapy sponge.  Saturday afternoon we took Emma swimming to get her used to the water since she has forgotten swimming from last summer.  She is still very cautious but actually got to the point of going down the slide all by herself and Daddy catching her.  Saturday afternoon we went to an estate sale and the ladies working it fell in love with Emma... so much that she walked out with a ballerina stool, apron, cookie cutter, wooden spoon, and teddy bear all for free!  They insisted on it saying that they were about to close.  When we got in the car we asked Emma what she wanted to name her bear and she replied with "Butt"... where does my quirky little girl come up with some of this stuff!  That evening we went to campus to walk around.  It was Emma's first campus visit of her future school... class of 2033!  Today was just a relaxing day of church and then playing at home... all in all one of the best family weekends we have had in a long time!!!

We did not do a good job of picture taking but here are a couple from our campus visit. 

She looks so tiny!

She has recently become camera shy so this is the best we could do

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