Sunday, April 29, 2012

His Sovereignty

This past Monday and Tuesday we made the trip down to MD Anderson for Trey's check-up and what a reminder this trip is to me every time of God's power in our lives as the Great Physician.  Before we went, I had to do some insurance updating online at the Head and Neck Website.  While updating our information I also read through the facts of Trey's cancer.  This is information that I have not read since his diagnosis in 2008 and probably should not read because of the grimness that medical science puts on the situation.  The statistics reminded me that the type of cancer that he had was very rare (2% of all cancers) with a survival rate between 10-20% with most patients not surviving more than 3 years.  WOW! 

Now, don't get me wrong I think that medicine is amazing but I know that God's power is even more amazing!  We were able to catch Trey's cancer very early and have been blessed with 3 years of remission this past month with absolutely not signs of re-occurrence.  We finally have made it to the point where he just has to be checked annually!  Thank you God for your healing, the wonderful team of doctors at MD Anderson, the opportunity to be treated as such an amazing medical center, and the character that you developed in each of us through this trial. 

While meeting with Dr. Weber, we were again approached about plastic surgery for Trey's scar on his neck.  Because this is just a cosmetic preference and not medical it is something that we have opted not to do.  The surgery seems extensive with a painful recovery for something that is just optional.  While driving home, I asked him if he ever thought he might want to do it in the future.  His response makes me love him more than I already do... He simply said that he thinks that his scar will always be a reminder of God's sovereignty in his life.  What a man a faith... to see a trial that tested our faith and character a few years ago as something now that constantly reminds him how wonderful our God is. 

I could write and write about everything that each of us learned through this journey as individuals and as a married couple and for that we praise God for the trial we went through at such a young age.  We praise him that we learned how to depend on Him and how to have eternal perspective in the midst of temporary struggle. 

Just Playing....

A few weeks ago Grandma and Aunt Ty came to visit and we had a great time just playing and got some really cute pics too!  Last weekend our dear friends Cole, Holly, and their son Justus, came to visit and we had a great time shopping with Melanie in Houston while the guys fished.  Two weekends in a row of wonderful company and now this weekend we are enjoying a very laid back Saturday and Sunday as a family of 3... this past week we scheduled our induction and next weekend will be our last weekend of 3.  We will get to meet Abby on May 11th!!!! I can't believe it is finally here!!!! Enjoy looking at the cute pics below and I hope that Holly has some that i can steal from their visit...
Grandma and Emma

A cell phone can be the best entertainment for Emma.... I have an archaic phone with no internet or Apps yet she loves to just push buttons and looks through all the pictures naming everyone she sees.  It is not very difficult since 99% of the pictures are of her.

She has a ponytail!!!!!!

The discovery of the microwave. 

If you remember from previous posts she has a garden girl statue that she loves to play with.  Well Grandma brought her this gnome who she has named Mo.  She absolutely loves him.  We thought about buying some outdoor toys but she is so easily entertained and I feel like she will gain such an imagination by playing with sticks, rocks, etc. that we are holding off. 

Enjoying the beautiful spring like weather (it only lasted for a day before it was 90 degrees again) with Mo on a blanket under the tree

Mo got dirty and needed a bath

And after a bath, what better way to dry off then with a ride

We had a family evening at the park on Friday and Emma spent the whole time pushing her stroller rather than riding in it

Look at her pigtails!  Who would have thought this day would every come

How adorable is this.... and the names are spelled just like we will spell them!  Emma hasn't gotten to play with it yet... may pull it out as a surprise for her when Abby is born or just wait and give it to her for her birthday on June 8th
Everything else in our life is just the normal.  However, I have been very exhausted lately so please pray for energy for the next week and half.  Emma is going to stay with Gigi and Poppa for a few days this week so I will get some rest as well as finish up everything that needs to be done before May 11th.  Probably should also pray for Gigi and Poppa to have energy too since Emma is very busy and can tire you out very quickly.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Vanilla Wafer Surprise

Emma does not get dessert every night.  In fact, when offered pineapple or cookies for dessert she will often times choose the fruit.  However, every once in a while we like to go all out on the sugar with either ice cream (Dibs are a family favorite), popsicles, or some type of cookie.  A few weeks ago we made this vanilla wafer surprise.  Emma liked it; Daddy was not a fan (but he doesn't really have a sweet tooth at all); and I loved it (after all, I am 8 months pregnant).  Either way making them was fun and seeing Emma's face at the surprise of rainbow sprinkles was great!  Check out the steps below to make your own vanilla wafer surprise...

What is needed... vanilla wafers, banana, peanut butter, sprinkles

Make a banana wafer sandwich

Spread peanut butter around the edge of the banana then roll in sprinkles so that they stick to the peanut butter

Lastly, enjoy the sweet, excited face on  your little one!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Catch up with Emma

Well I actually have a lot that I could blog about but the third trimester has finally caught up with me and I find that every spare moment I just want to rest.  So during my normal blog time (nap time) I have been joining Emma and taking naps.  But, for those of you that like to keep up with Emma and what she is doing (especially our family) here are a lot of pictures from the last few weeks...

As girly as she is, she loves to hunt for worms, caterpillars, and snakes with her daddy

The aquarium box turned into a jungle with sticks, sand, rocks, leaves, and play animals
Playing with a bunny at Mrs. Lindsey and Mr. Kenny's house

Went to lunch with Aunt Shu, Daddy, Mommy, and Gradon in downtown
Shaking our wiggles out... great kids song that we learned at story time at the library
Watching Daddy wash the car (wasn't interested in helping)

I mean who would want to help when the other option is to sit and eat cookies!

Hanging out with Jelly and George

Swinging at Gig and Poppa's
Playing outside after hunting for Easter eggs... the flowers on the left are the ones that Emma planted!!!

In some Easter eggs there were stickers... she wanted to share them with Abby!!!! Let's hope this is a sign of good things to come!

She is my favorite sweet little Emma!

So the garden girl returns again!  This time they are not just talking to one another but swimming together!

Check out that running!

Happy Easter sweet girl!  It was a great, relaxing day of fun with you and Daddy at home!
After looking at all of these pictures I realized that I need to take the camera away from Daddy and get some pics of them so hopefully the next post of pics will be a lot of Daddy-Daughter!

I hope to have a burst of energy sometime soon and catch up on blogging about the women's conference I went to, some great recipes I have found, and the weeks that we are counting down till we get to meet Abby!  But, if I don't get to posting these blogs please forgive me... I'll just blame it on being 8 1/2 months pregnant... after all, I only get to use that excuse for a few more weeks!