Sunday, March 11, 2012

21 Months Already!

So this past week Emma turned 21 months and I can not believe that she has already grown up so much!  While getting prepared for welcoming Baby Sister Abby in May I realized that I have forgotten completely what it is like to have a newborn because my sweet little Emmy is no longer a baby but is now a big girl!  Here are the happenings of this past week:
On Saturday last week the weather was absolutely beautiful so we took a family trip to the zoo.  It was Emma's first time and I was very surprised that she was not scared of any of the animals but just kept asking to see "more", "more", "more" even as we were walking out and getting in the car.  Trey took her in to the petting zoo and said that she insisted on brushing EVERY goat and hugging them before they could leave.  It was a wonderful family day out!!!

Emma absolutely loves to go outside.  In fact about 90% of her tantrums are related to either wanting to go outside or refusing to come in.  When outside she drags this statue to the middle of the front yard and talks to it.  So precious!!! I only wish I knew what she was saying.

To celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday we went to the library for family story time.  Emma was so excited to go and talked about it the whole way there and for days after.  However, while there you can see she was not near as excited... TERRIFIED!

While outside Emma also created a Nature Collage using shelf paper... definitely will use this in the future for other collages        
At 21 months apparently Emma thinks God messed up when he made Titus... she constantly points at his peepee saying "uh-oh"
We can only hope that she gets at least a smidge of her Daddy's talent!
Just had to post this since she is so dang cute!  And, this is her choice of play so much of the day... babies, purses, and stroller
This is a happy 21 month old little girl!
This weekend we topped off a very rainy weekend with Emmy's first trip to DQ... she was definitely a fan!
Emma, you are my sweet little thing and I have been so blessed these past 21 months!  You put a smile on my face every morning and bring joy to each day! I love you Emmy


  1. What precious memories! She is adorable, i love the pic with the shopping! my girls are the same way! how fun! thanks for sharing!
