Tuesday, March 13, 2012

50 Ways to Show Your Husband you Love Him

I think any woman that is a mom can testify that sometimes we get wrapped up in being Mommy and forgot or neglect our very important job of being a Wife.  I have been feeling like this lately.  I absolutely love every aspect of my Mommy duties... loving on my lil girl, teaching her, entertaining her, cooking for her, even disciplining her.  However, when I see myself just as a Mom my relationship with Trey is not near as passionate or romantic as I think God intended or designed it to be.  Trey knows that I love him VERY much and we tell each other that many times throughout the day but there is more to showing him my love than these 3 words.  I came across the following blog post and have been so encouraged how simple the little things can turn me from Mommy to Wife and make him feel the love that he so deserves.  Check it out and let me know any other ways you show your man love amidst the busyness of life with kids.

50 Ways to Show Your Husband You Love Him


  1. Thanks for that blog link, loved those tips! With the busyness of our schedules, I often struggle to be intentional about our intimate life, so a blog that helps me think more often about it is http://monogabliss.com/ - Some posts can be "naughtier" than others, but at least they always remind me to think about being intimate with my husband.
