Sunday, March 4, 2012

Banana Pudding

I absolutely love bananas and anything that has bananas in it!  About 4 months into this pregnancy Trey asked me if I craved bananas.  I was curious as to why he thought this and he pointed out that every time I go to the grocery store I buy not one but two bundles of bananas (the biggest bundles there) and almost every pin on my pinterest recipe board was related in some way to bananas.  So, I guess I have craved bananas this pregnancy and banana pudding is by far top on the list! 

As a kid I remember my grandmother making the best banana pudding.  I seriously have never found any in my life that come close to comparing to hers.  I think this is why I have always been scared to even attempt making one.  That is until Trey told me that he had never had a home made banana pudding.  This is just sad to me that he thought all banana pudding was the instant Jello box so I had to introduce him to the real world of banana pudding!  I am by no means saying that I have met the bar that my grandmother set but I am pretty pleased with the result.  Be sure and follow the "cook slowly" step exactly... I usually don't set my stove top about the lowest heat while stirring and it takes me about 18 - 20 minutes to stir it to a thickness perfect for the pudding.  This is SO easy and only takes a few ingredients. Check out the recipe below and tell me what you think.

Banana Pudding


  1. Ok we love us banana pudding around here so I may have to try this (nervous about judging time on the stirring part though)

    Ps your last post was precious!

  2. Love the blog, Katie! I so prefer blogs over FB. I'll add yours to my reader. I have one at Emma is getting so big!! And when did you make the switch to staying at home? I'm sure that has a good story behind it. So happy for you guys. Can't wait to hear about the new little one. Take care! Sarah

    1. I started staying at home in October. Emma has been so sick and then got put in the hospital for a staph infection that just lowered her immune system even more. Within one day of being back at daycare she was sick again. It was just such a struggle to try to be a working mom and take care of my sick little girl. I absolutely love staying at home! It is great to get the be the one to love on her, teach her, and discipline her all day every day!
