Sunday, March 4, 2012

I never want to forget...

Emmy is at such a fun stage right now with a personality that just shines.  She has some goofy, silly quirks as well as some habits that make me smile every day.  I want to remember all of these fun things about this time of her life so that when she gets older and has kids I can show her how she was as a toddler.  I don't want to every say "one of my kids did this or that" but instead I want to be able to remember each of my kids individually as much as possible.  So here is a list of some of the things to remember about Emma at 1 1/2.
  • Every night you run naked through the house squealing after bath time as daddy chases you with a towel
  •  You have some of the silliest faces that you do randomly or on command... some of them include your thinking face, laughing, yawning, smiling, crying, and pouting
  • You recently hurt Daddy while wrestling with him and you got very sad that you hurt his nose... your lip quivered until you realized that he was okay
  •  anytime it is time for a diaper change or Daddy comes home for lunch you run and hide - you think as long as you can't see us, we can't see you
    • your favorite spots to hide are any corner, by Mommy's legs, and in your tree tent
  • anytime you ask for Gigi, you also ask for Poppy, Shu, and Kee - you think they should never be separated but always a group of 4
  • you have to have all of your "sleepies" when you get in your crib (this is anywhere from 6 to 8 stuffed animals)
  • because you can't say "bunny" when you want your special bunny you go around blinking your eyes... this is supposed to be a wiggling nose face for a bunny but you can't figure out your nose
  • you have learned 12 letters in the alphabet and you point them out on signs and stores as we drive down the road (what will it be like when you learn to read?!)
  • anytime we pull into the library or park parking lot you kick, clap, and scream with excitment
  • you are the cleanest baby I have every seen!!!! you pick up all of your toys and put them exactly where you got them and you bring me any leaves or crumbs that you find on our floor.  Needless to say I know when I need to vacuum
  • I love that when you get in trouble and I ask you to "find my eyes" you point to them, look at me, calm down and then we talk about the situation.  We always finish these talks with a hug and a kiss!
  • One of the first things you ask Daddy to do when he comes home from work is lift you up high so you can touch the ceiling... oh how you find such fun in the simple things!
  • You are discovering differences between boys and girls and you point and laugh at Daddy's parts.... you have reached an age where he now showers and dresses in private
  • your favorite movie is Fox and The Hound... in fact it is the only movie that you will even watch 10 minutes of
  • Food is an instant energy source for you... you run around and are so hyper anytime you have anything to eat
  • Your absolute favorite thing to do is read... you are now starting to read by yourself and will read literally for an hour alone
  • You love to walk around the house carrying a purse and your baby doll in the stroller waving and saying "bye bye"
  • When you play with your jewelry you put ALL of your bracelets on one wrist... and you literally have about 25!
I hope that I will also have pictures to document many of these but Emma I want you to know that you are one cool kid!  I love you so much and can't wait to see the things I get to add to this list in the upcoming months!

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